How to Get NIN Number for JAMB Registration 2023

The National Identification Number (NIN) is compulsory for your JAMB or direct entry registration. NIN is a unique eleven (11) digit number.

Getting your NIN is compulsory for your JAMB registration. The NIN stands for National Identification Number.

Since the year 2021, JAMB has made NIN compulsory to curb examination malpractice.

Registration for NIN is free of charge. It means that you do not have to pay any money to get your NIN to process your JAMB admission.

You must note that you cannot get your NIN number online.

Documents for NIN Registration for JAMB

Here is the list of documents required for JAMB NIN registration;

  • Local Government of Origin Certificate
  • Birth Certificate

NIN Office

You can get your NIN number for your JAMB registration at MTN, Glo or Airtel offices close to you.

Also, you can visit the local government office in your location to get the NIN number.

Recently, other NIN offices are now in cities and towns that you can do the registration.

NIN offices open on Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.-

How to Get NIN for JAMB Registration

Here is the procedure on how to get your NIN for JAMB registration;

  • Visit the NIN registration centre
  • Tell them that you want to register for NIN
  • Collect the NIN form that they will give to you
  • Correctly fill your details in the NIN form
  • Submit the form to the registration agent
  • Wait to collect your NIN slip

Retrieve NIN Number

You can retrieve your NIN number using the phone number that you used for the registration.

The service fee is twenty naira.

  • Dial the USSD code *346# on your phone.
  • Select “NIN Retrieval” by typing 1.
  • Click on select to see your NIN number.

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